Key outcomes from the 14 March 2019 Seacare Authority meeting (News)
The Seacare Authority met in Canberra on 14 March 2019. The key outcomes of the meeting are set out below.
Ongoing scheme viability and increase to the levy rate
The Seacare Authority considered its strategic risks, particularly the risk that the scheme may become unviable, and has agreed to take a number of actions to ensure ongoing viability of the scheme.
The Seacare Authority agreed to recommend an increase to the levy rate to $50 per berth. The Seacare Authority will also be focussing its efforts on ensuring those employers who should be paying a levy are paying a levy.
The Seacare Authority will provide further communication to scheme participants on the levy increase, noting that the process to increase requires a change to legislation.
Next meeting
The next meeting of the Seacare Authority will be held in Melbourne on the 6 June 2019.