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Statutory rates for compensation

For: Claimants Employers and managers Information seekers

Statutory rates for compensation and benefits are set by the Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1992 (Seafarers Act).

The rates indicate the maximum amount which can be paid for specific benefits and compensation under the Seafarers Act.

The rates are indexed periodically in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the Wage Price Index (WPI), and the Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings for Full Time Adults (AWOTEFA) and are reviewed and updated as appropriate.

Statutory rates payable for benefits

Section 23 of the Seafarers Act provides for the indexation of defined compensation benefits to the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Additionally, section 23A of the Seafarers Act provides for the indexation of death compensation entitlements by reference to the Wage Price Index (WPI).

The statutory amounts payable are:

Rates subject to section 23A

Subsection of Seafarers ActNature of benefitRate at 1 July 2024Indexation factor
29(3) Death—dependant/s wholly dependent $643,667.21WPI—1.043
29(4) Death—dependant/s partly dependent—maximum Up to $643,667.21
29(5) Death—dependent prescribed child—amount per week $177.02

Rates subject to section 23

Subsection of Seafarers ActNature of benefitRate at 1 July 2024Indexation factor
30(2) Funeral expenses—maximum $7,961.07CPI—1.041
31(9) Incapacity—minimum per week $580.53
31(10) Incapacity—dependant prescribed person/s—additional amount $143.75
31(11) Incapacity—dependant prescribed child/children—additional amount $71.81
39(9) Permanent impairment—maximum $229,916.71
41(2) Non-economic loss—formula amount
  • degree of permanent impairment
  • degree of non-economic loss
43(2) Household services—maximum per week $574.76
43(4) Attendant care services—maximum per week $574.76
44(1) Redemption of compensation ceiling—maximum per week $143.75

Previous statutory rates

For rates from previous years, see the Seacare Scheme Statutory Rates document (PDF, 257.9 KB).

For eligibility information and how to make a claim, see Supports for your recovery, Long-term injury and impairment or Entitlements following a work-related death.

Maximum amount of compensation

An upper limit on weekly incapacity compensation payments after the first 45 weeks of incapacity is set under subsection 31(7) of the Seafarers Act.

This limit is set at 150 per cent of the 'Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings of Full-time Adults' (AWOTEFA) – an amount published by the Australian Statistician.

Date of effectMaximum amount of compensation after 45 weeks
(150% of AWOTEFA)
17/08/2023 $2,757.15
23/02/2023 $2,711.55
18/08/2022 $2,654.70
24/02/2022 $2,622.60
19/08/2021 $2,605.65
25/02/2021 $2,567.40
13/08/2020 $2,570.85
20/02/2020 $2,488.05
15/08/2019 $2,450.70
21/02/2019 $2,407.35
16/08/2018 $2,379.30
22/02/2018 $2,351.85
17/08/2017 $2,315.70
23/02/2017 $2,299.65
18/08/2016 $2,274.00
25/02/2016 $2,248.95
13/08/2015 $2,226.75
26/02/2015 $2,214.45
14/08/2014 $2,180.85
20/02/2014 $2,156.55
15/08/2013 $2,134.05
21/02/2013 $2,089.50
16/08/2012 $2,029.05
17/05/2012 $2,017.80
23/02/2012 $2,000.10
17/11/2011 $1,983.90
18/08/2011 $1,958.10
19/05/2011 $1,932.15
24/02/2011 $1,908.75
18/11/2010 $1,889.10
19/08/2010 $1,884.45
20/05/2010 $1,864.65
25/02/2010 $1,834.95

For rates prior to 2010, see Seacare Scheme Statutory Rates document (PDF, 257.9 KB).

See Income support for eligibility information and how to make a claim for compensation benefits.

Specified rate per kilometre

Compensation may be paid where an employee reasonably incurs expenditure for travel for medical treatment by private motor vehicle. The total distance travelled must exceed 50 kilometres.

The specified rate per kilometre, as specified by the Minister from time to time, is:

Date of effectRate
24 September 2019 68c/km
1 July 2008 60c/km
10 March 2004 47c/km
1 July 2002 42c/km
1 July 2001 42c/km
17 January 2001 34c/km
1 July 1997 30c/km
1 July 1995 30c/km

See Supports for your recovery for eligibility information and how to make a claim for benefits.

Page last reviewed: 20 February 2025
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Date printed 27 Mar 2025