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Your role and responsibilities

Find out the role you play and your responsibilities under work health and safety, and workers' compensation laws in the Seacare scheme.

Learn about the role you play and your responsibilities under work health and safety, and workers' compensation laws.

Employers and operators under the Seacare scheme have duties in relation to workers’ compensation and to ensure the health and safety of employees and others at the workplace.

As an employee, you should also be aware of your rights and responsibilities relating to workplace health and safety and workers’ compensation.

HSRs plays an important part in advancing occupational health and safety in the Australian maritime industry.

The Seacare compensation scheme is supported by private sector insurance companies that write workers’ compensation insurance policies for employers.

As a registered medical practitioner—working as a general practitioner or a specialist—you play a vital role in the rehabilitation and return to work of employees.

Providers apply to the Seacare Authority to be accredited to offer occupational health and safety training under the Seafarers Act.

As a workplace rehabilitation provider, you play a vital role in the return to work process of an employee with a work-related injury or illness.

Mental health
resource centre
Access supports and guidance if you or someone you know has mental health concerns.

Find out how to support yourself and others.

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025